The Wisdom of Fatherhood:
A Men's Group

My intention is to bring together good men, on a regular basis in a professionally facilitated space that fosters nourishment dad’s need to father well and challenge each other to fully live into our potential.

An online men’s group for dads… this will be an ongoing opportunity but for starters, it will be a 3-month period.  

Here’s my deeper perspective on the matter… 

Fatherhood is a life-changing, immense joy and a real kick in the fucking teeth. As men, we're expected to protect, provide, nurture, and be fully present - even as our identity shifts profoundly. This responsibility can feel heavy, especially as we navigate it alone. Many men lack the skills and emotional capacity for open-hearted fathering. We remain hardened while our partners and kids suffer. But in community, men can relax, feel, and connect in ways that open our hearts to love our families deeply.

It's our duty as fathers not just to provide, but to nurture with all our heart. We must commit to showing up fully for our kids, as their future depends on it. We must connect to both loving tenderness and high-impact action. The way we live, not just what we say, is their model for life.

For me, fatherhood has been a catalyst for growth and healing, even as it unraveled and challenged me in the biggest ways. Supportive communities that foster depth, love and authenticity have opened new portals to explore and show up intentionally as a father in all areas of life.

Join our online brotherhood of dads. Find the skills, emotional capacity, and peer support to unlock your potential for open-hearted, engaged fathering. Discover a reinvigorated sense of purpose, and build the family bonds we all long for.

Why should you join…

  • Have fun growing tremendously as a man and father

  • Build close friendships with peers who get it

  • Get therapeutic and strategic value, plus social connection in one valuable commitment

  • Step up as a role model for engaged, loving fatherhood

  • Experience the community of brotherhood missing in today's world

  • Break generational patterns and model new possibilities for our kids

  • Tap into an approach that's proven to work

Here is my promise to you if you show up fully to calls and in your life outside of calls…

  • You will feel seen, heard, and understood by peers who can relate to both the joys and challenges of modern fatherhood.

  • You will build meaningful bonds and a sense of true brotherhood - where it's safe to open up, and be vulnerable and real.

  • You will gain invaluable insights and practical skills for being more present with your kids, more patient with yourself and others, and more connected to the Dad you aspire to be.

  • You will walk away inspired, equipped, and re-energized with a renewed sense of purpose, empowered to show up fully as a father, husband, and man.

  • If you give this experience your trust, commitment, and authentic participation - you will unlock growth and confidence that transforms how you father and live.

Communication for ongoing support… 

In addition to the live programming, participants will receive access to a WhatsApp chat to engage, align, and learn from each other.

Join us and unlock your potential as the father you want to be.

When: The next group starts in March! Consider Wednesdays your devoted dad’s night. 

Wednesdays @ 800 pm EST  

  • 2x @ 2 hour meetings (1st and 3rd month)

  • 2x 45-minute action-oriented accountability meetings (2nd and 4th week) 

  • 1x Group Somatic Breathwork session (we will co-create a date/time for this)

Format for 2 hour meeting. Jason will lead the entire group for the first 30 minutes, offering practice, some teaching, and the introduction of a theme for the session. Then we’ll have a full 90-minute deep dive together to explore your experience, get critical feedback, and receive accountability for growth-oriented challenges.

Investment: $250 per month  for 3 months