Somatic Breathwork™

An experience designed for individuals to feel fully alive by unlocking their own unique expression.

Power of Breath.

These guided breathwork journeys liberate you from the stress & overwhelm that lies unprocessed in your body so that you become free in your mind. There is an exact correlation between our physical vitality and mental health. If we want to improve the quality of our lives we MUST address both.

Breathing is the most readily available resource of life that we have in every moment.

Cultivating the power of conscious connected breathing to tap into the innate intelligence of the body, relaxing your nervous system, and awakening your potential.

Some of the benefits can include:

  • Mental clarity

  • Deep relaxation & calm

  • Emotional release & reduced stress

  • Experience of wholeness

  • Improved sleep & immune system function

SBW™ is a powerful modality that can create a lasting change for clients, the community, and the world. It’s time to evolve the paradigm of Mind-Body Health.